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Главная » 2012 » Январь » 3 » По пути самоактуализации
По пути самоактуализации

Работа с одарёнными детьми на кафедре Иностранных языков в I семестре 2011-2012 учебного года.

Одно из приоритетных направлений работы кафедры ИЯ в РУЗ «КУВКИ ЛИ МОНМС АРК» - создание мотивационных ориентаций для участия лицеистов в широком спектре творческих конкурсов.

В День Учителя стартовала вереница творческих проектов как для учащихся так для учителей. Успешно проведена дидактическая ролевая игра «Стань учителем на час!». Учащаяся 11-А класса Муслимова Эльзара, (учитель Ковалёва Э.А.) признана победителем кафедрального уровня Республиканского конкурса творческих проектов «Учитель – моё призвание». Цель конкурса – поднятие престижа профессии педагога в современном мире.

Teaching Is My Calling

 It goes without saying, that the life of a teacher can be challenging to say the least. Many classes are spent dragging young minds through curricula. Many thoughtful and well-planned lessons are conducted. Many days have been spent battling cell phones, doodles, and every distraction imaginable to teach young men and women the skills and knowledge we hold dear. Though every profession is plagued with everyday frustrations, not all are blessed with the same celebratory moments as teaching is. These celebrations are woven into our lives, and they remind us periodically of the work our teachers are doing for the next generation.

As far as I am concerned, I shall be always indebted to my teachers, the English teacher in particular. It is my ambition to make a skilful knowledgeable teacher too. Plato said, "A teacher is a person who carries a torch of knowledge.”

I would like to teach English and consider teaching to be my "cup of  tea.”

I love children and would like to make their lives interesting, challenging and exciting by teaching them English. English will help them to be successful in our life and change the future of Ukraine for the better. Our country will benefit from well-rounded, highly-qualified specialists with a good command of English.

I was given an excellent opportunity to conduct several lessons of English on the Teacher’s Day. It was a fantastic experience!! I spent a week getting ready for classes, discussed all the stages and activities with my teacher Ella Andreevna Koval’ova and was looking forward to meeting my students. The fifth and eighth formers were really inviting and enthusiastic in class. I experienced great delight and satisfaction. Today I am sure I have made the right choice. I am very thankful to my teachers who a re really intelligent, highly-qualified specialists with a burning desire to share their knowledge and enthusiasm with their dear pupils. They are a model for me to follow.

To sum up, I shall do my best to make the most wonderful teacher in the world. As the proverb goes, "There is nothing impossible to a willing heart.” I love children with all my heart and I have got a burning desire to share with them all my knowledge, ideas and experience. I would like to teach kids the most valuable thing-knowledge. They say, "Learning is a treasure which accompanies its owner everywhere.”


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    «  Январь 2012  »


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